This whitepaper can be dowloaded in full here as a PDF and includes sections:
The Landscape of Salt-Active Nucleases
Comparison: Removal of Chromatin-Associated DNA in Viral Suspensions
1. Pagallies, F., Labisch, J. J., Wronska, M., Pflanz, K. & Amann, R. Efficient and scalable clarification of Orf virus from HEK suspension for vaccine development. Vaccine X 18, 100474 (2024)
2. Pereira Aguilar, P. et al. Capture and purification of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 virus-like particles: Convective media vs porous beads. J. Chromatogr. A 1627, 461378 (2020)
3. Mayer, V. et al. Removal of chromatin by salt‐tolerant endonucleases for production of recombinant measles virus. Biotechnol. Prog. 39, e3342 (2023)