WHITEPAPER: Chromatin Removal in Viral Vector Manufactu...
Enzymes that Unlock
Your Next Discovery

Bioprocess Summit Europe

Mar 18, 2025 - Mar 20, 2025
Barcelona, Spain

Like you, we understand that every moment counts in our bustling professional world. Our booth is often buzzing with activity, a testament to our innovations in the field.

Attend the poster session on the 20th of March and find out more about the emerging challenge of host cell DNA contamination in viral vector production. Explore this important data in our poster titled "Quantification Challenges of Chromatin — Associated Host Cell DNA: An Underestimated Risk".

To ensure you get the most out of your time at the event - and to ensure we have time to discuss your needs - we recommend booking a time slot.

Need to change it later? No problem, but prioritize efficiency and reserve a time in the calendar!

We are excited to support our partners from ACIB, who will be presenting the outcomes from their recent studies on the impact of chromatin contamination when separating bioparticles (BNP). This work highlights how important it is to select the right nuclease to help mitigate this risk.

Make sure that you  attend Dr Patricia Aguilar's talk on the subject at 11.40am in the "Advances in Recovery and Purification" stream.

We understand these events are busy! To ensure you get a chance to discuss how our salt active nucleases could bring efficiencies into your viral vector production, use the Calendly link to book a slot with one of our team or message me directly below.

For more details about the event, click here